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Restoring Syncio API Keys (WooCommerce)

Revoked your Syncio API Keys? Here's how to to get a new one.

Rayman avatar
Written by Rayman
Updated over a year ago

In order to update stock and product data via syncs our app news an up to date consumer API key on your WordPress store.

Follow the instructions below to get a new key if required.

Updating your Syncio API Key

Pro tip! Before starting, ensure that you are logged into your WordPress admin in another browser window or tab.

  1. Log into your Syncio account via:

  2. Click your account name (store URL) in to the top right corner.

    *Alternatively, click the settings button on the left navigation panel.

  3. Click the "Manage" link under Account details.

  4. Scroll to the bottom of your Account details page and click on the Update button under the API Key section to start the process.

  5. A pop-up with additional information will display, to generate your new WooCommerce Keys you'll need the following:

    1. Consumer Key

    2. Consumer Secret Key

  6. Keep this Syncio window open for now and go to your WordPress admin page via the tab/ window that was previously open.

  7. On the sidebar to the left, click on WooCommerce and then Settings.

  8. Click the Advanced tab.

  9. Click the REST API link.

  10. Click the Add Key button next to the REST API header.

  11. In the Key details page update the following fields to create your new consumer key:

    1. Description: Type in Syncio API Key

      1. For easy future reference and identification.

    2. User: Select in the drop-down menu your WordPress admin account

    3. Permissions: Select Read/Write

      1. This allows Syncio to receive and send product/ stock updates.

  12. When you are done, click Generate API Key

  13. You will then see your new Consumer key and secrets

  14. Copy and paste these into appropriate fields from the Syncio window we opened previously:

  15. Click Update, when done.

  16. If successful you'll see the following message on the top of your screen.

  17. The key will also be listed on your WordPress admin in the REST API section too:

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