The map existing products function allows you to sync matching products without making a copy. This is useful if the products that you need to sync are already on both the source and destination stores.
This function allows you to sync products and update their inventories only, and is available for all integrations.
Note: Product attributes will also sync if you have activated the corresponding product attribute sync from the Product Settings add-on after resyncing the product (only available for Shopify integration).
Important information before mapping:
Corresponding SKUS must match.
SKUs should be unique per variant.
The variant count must match.
Note: Only the Destination Store can map products. If you are looking to sync products to a store, you have to install Syncio and select to be a Destination Store.
To map an individual product or check the variants / SKUs, use the Map button to the right of each product. If a product is unsynced/mapped, a Map button will appear in the top righthand corner. If a product is already mapped you will not have the option to take any actions. For product details, click on the Blue Product Name Hyperlink - this will display the Source stores products details including images, variants, SKUs, and tags.
To create a valid mapping:
Corresponding SKUS must match.
SKUs should be unique per variant.
The variant count must match
To Bulk map your products, click Bulk Mapper
and select start
Just like syncing, mapping requires unique SKUs for all products and variants and the same number of variants on the source and destination store product.