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Syncio Overview
Claudia avatar
Written by Claudia
Updated over a week ago

We have built Syncio to be flexible.

Shopify customers can choose to use only Inventory Sync - the base Syncio functionality, or they can choose to add Product Settings Sync and/or Order Pushing.

| These optional product field and order pushing features will be available soon for WooCommerce accounts. |

Inventory Sync

Letโ€™s start with our inventory sync.

If you are on a Syncio base plan, you are syncing ONLY inventory. After the initial product import, only the inventory will sync from Source to Destination store.

A little more detail on how that works ๐Ÿ‘‰

Syncio is a two-way inventory sync, which means that updates from either store updates the other.

Source Stores: Source stores hold the Master Inventory. When changes occur to the Source store inventory, the Destination store will see the inventory number update on their end. Changes in Source store inventory can be through manual adjustments or sales.

Destination Stores: A fully paid order on a Destination store will trigger an inventory update to both Source and Destination stores. Note - Manual updates to Destination store inventory WILL NOT update the inventory on the Source store.

You can choose your base plan under the Manage Plan tab in your Syncio dashboard. Pricing is based on the number of products you want to sync (not the number of SKUs/variants).

Product Settings add on (Shopify Only)

In addition to syncing inventory, Syncio can real-time sync product attributes from the Source store to the Destination store depending on the customization settings you select.

Available only on the Shopify integration

You can select from a variety of attributes to sync (or not sync) through the Product Settings Tab in your Syncio dashboard.

Current Attributes that Syncio can Sync from Source to Destination store:

Product Sync Options

  • Title

  • Description

  • Tags

  • URL Handle

  • Hide Synced Product by default

  • SEO Metafields

  • HS Code and Country of Origin

  • Images

  • Online Stores Channel

Variant Sync Options

  • Price

  • Sync Cost Per Item

  • Auto Add Variant

  • Auto Remove Variant

  • Track Quantity & Continue selling when out of stock

  • Variant Name

Remember that Product Settings is an Add-On. You will need to adjust your plan in the Plan & Billing section in order to access the settings.

Order add on (Shopify Only)

If you choose to use the Syncio Order Add-On, orders that contain a synced product from the Destination store can automatically (or manually) be sent to the Source store to fulfill. The Source store will receive all product and customer information needed to fulfill the order and then Syncio will update the fulfillment status and tracking once the order has shipped.

Available only on the Shopify integration.

This is a Add-On - you will need to adjust your plan in the Plan & Billing section in order to access the settings.

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